ALIA Multicultural e-News!
The ALIA Multicultural e-News is a platform to share news with a Multicultural focus relevant to the Library Information Sector (LIS). It is open to people across LIS to contribute information of relevance. If you have some news to distribute broadly you can contact us via email. If you are interested in contributing a blogpost to our website you can also reach out via email to discuss ideas
Join ALIA Multicultural
Join the committee and actively participate in advocacy and key projects.
ALIA Multicultural is a group of passionate people committed to working collaboratively on advocacy with a multicultural focus specific to the Library Information Sector in Australia. You can join our committee and be part of a dynamic collaborative group committed to information sharing, Professional Development and special projects. Visit the website to learn more and send us a message if you would like to be part of the group. https://multicultural.alia.org.au/about/
If you are interested in being an active member of the ALIA Multicultural Committee send us an email to express interest.
ALIA Multicultural is excited to welcome new members joining the group from the start of 2024 and many more connecting via our different online channels to stay in touch with conversation, news and grow ideas.
Welcome the following new committee members:
Erica Enriquez-Clemente -
Library Assistant | City of Ryde Libraries
I am a new library professional, currently working as a library assistant with City of Ryde libraries. I am currently studying for my Diploma in Library and Information Studies. My interest in a career in librarianship comes from my volunteering experience with The Women’s Library (Newtown, Sydney). My previous professional experience has been in television rights and contract management. As a CALD library professional, I look forward to contributing to the ALIA Multicultural group in a positive way.
Connect online
ALIA Multicultural committee members share news regularly via a number of platforms including Instagram and Facebook and Linkedin.
Anyone can subscribe to our website and eNews.
We welcome ideas for content to our website and news too.
ALIA Multicultural plans and delivers PD twice a year and you can watch our PD webinars via our YouTube channel.
ALIA Multicultural presents at IFLA
Mare Maticevski and Hiba Kanj will present at the upcoming IFLA MCILTP Mini-Conference: Libraries new trends in supporting Multiculturalism and Multilingualism. The talk will centre on the role of the committee in advocating for diverse and inclusive workforce, improved Multicultural services and increased awareness of barriers to inclusion in the LIS sector in Australia.
Conference information and agenda can be found here
Ellie Sayyad-Abdi presents at ID: EALS Annual Symposium
The 2024 symposium highlights innovative research investigating the relationship between information use and different types of identifies. The symposium emphasizes information challenges such as inequitable access to health information, mis/mis-information, conspiracism, etc.
What's on in State Libraries
State Library of NSW
This year marks 50 years of serving multicultural New South Wales with books. For more information see here.
State Library of WA
Racism at Unimelb Report
The third edition of the Racism at Unimelb report was written based on a survey ran between the 11th of August and 24th of September to give students a chance to voice their experience of racism on campus, as well as gather students general attitudes towards the recommendation put forth by the 2021 and 2022 reports. Read the report here.
Access key multicultural research and resources via the ALIA Multicultural website
ALIA Multicultural curates key research and community resources with a Multicultural focus for the Library Information Sector.
This information can be accessed via our Resources tab on the ALIA Multicultural Website.
Do you have some research or resource to suggest as an addition?
you can contact us via email with your suggestions.
Contribute to the ALIA Multicultural website blog
Do you have an idea to contribute to the ALIA Multicultural website blog? If you or someone you know would be interested in contributing a post, discussion about research, an opinion piece, celebration of multicultural programs and services with our community send us an email expressing areas of interest or articles. The ALIA Multicultural website is a collaborative initiative and we are seeking your voice.
ALIA Students and New Graduates GLAMR Match
GLAMRmatch provides an opportunity for one-on-one conversations with an established or emerging GLAMR professional.
We encourage established professionals from the diverse GLAMR sector to join us, who would be happy to share their library knowledge, tips and advice for students, graduates, and emerging and other established professionals.
ALIA National 2024 Conference 6 - 9 May Adelaide Convention Centre
Conference theme: Truth and dare
The conference will feature keynote speeches, workshops, presentations, lightning talks, and panel discussions specifically related to the following sub-themes:
- From Inclusion to Belonging
- Raising Voices
- Daring Greatly, Striving Valiantly
- Forging Future Libraries