Welcome to 2023!
After a rewarding break, ALIA Multicultural has finally commenced their working group meetings. This year we will have ten meetings with some dedicated to a PD webinar. The meetings are held on the last Friday of the month and committee members have opportunities to lead or be part of projects and participate in the peer-to-peer skill sharing opportunities. Read on to find out about the key project focus opportunities for 2023.
Professional Development
ALIA Multicultural is committed to delivering PD with a Multicultural focus. We are currently reviewing the results from the consultation survey and this will inform the shape of our professional development focus in 2023.
Latest website post
La Trobe City Libraries and The Centre for Multicultural Youth launched their Podcast and studio. Read about this great example of #VisibilityAsInclusion in our latest website post.
Development of ALIA Multicultural Guidelines
This year ALIA Multicultural will be working closely with ALIA staff in the development of ALIA Mulitcultural standards and guidelines for LIS services for Multicultural Communities. This is a long awaited project and we are pleased that ALIA is keen to get this underway.
La Trobe City Libraries and CMY
Contribute an article for the ALIA Multicultural Website
Send through an article idea to feature and celebrate the focus on Multicultural services or research. You can submit articles for consideration to email: multicultural@alia.org.au or select the link below.
Coming up...
Diversity Council of Victoria publishes key report released before International Women's Day
The Diversity Council of Australia has published Culturally and racially marginalised women (CARM) in leadership.
Harmony Week 20 - 26 March
Women of colour in the workplace survey 2023