ALIA Multicultural aims to facilitate networking, support, professional development, and resources for the Information sector with a focus on Culturally and Linguistically Diverse communities.

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Anyone can get involved with ALIA Multicultural. Membership is encouraged but not required.
Reading Australian literature in Chinese
Australia has a vibrant publishing industry that is estimated to have a market size of more than $1.7 billion. Australian publications, fiction and non-fiction, provide windows to understanding the nation and the people of Australia. In a recent survey with 1,152...
From Stereotype to Empathy to Inclusion
ALIA Disability and ALIA Multicultural collaborated to plan and deliver a pre-conference workshop at ALIA National 2024 on Monday 6 May 2024.The workshop was booked out and thirty six enthusiastic attendees joined facilitators Amy Rake (ALIA Disability) and Joey Chung...
The danger of a single story*
I want to reflect on the first year of ALIA Multicultural. Yes, it has been a year since the group was launched, with a dedicated mission of advocacy in the Library Information Sector (LIS) space for multicultural diversity needs...