Reading Australian literature in Chinese

by | May 31, 2024 | Visibility As Inclusion | 0 comments

Australia has a vibrant publishing industry that is estimated to have a market size of more than $1.7 billion. Australian publications, fiction and non-fiction, provide windows to understanding the nation and the people of Australia.

In a recent survey with 1,152 publishing authors in Australia, 34% indicated that their work has been translated in a language other than English (Crosby et al., 2022). Among the languages of translation, 30.6% of authors said that their work has been translated into Chinese (Mandarin and/or Cantonese). While translated work is promoted in overseas markets, there is also a growing population of Australians who could be interested in reading in Chinese. The 2021 Census shows that more than 980,000 people in Australia use Chinese (Mandarin and other Chinese dialects) at home. However, Australian books published in Chinese may not be readily available in major bookstores. Chinese readers may not even know that some popular Australian titles have been translated into Chinese.

To address this gap, Joey Chung (Holmesglen Institute) and Alice Chik (Macquarie University) collaborated to share two reading lists on Trove – Australian fiction translated into Chinese and Australian non-fiction translated into Chinese – featuring more than 200 items published by Australian authors, in which translated version were published between 2014 – 2024. Readers can easily use the lists to access bibliographic information of the translated editions. The fiction list features much loved popular Australian novels and authors. It also includes translated versions of many award-winning titles, including work by First Nation authors.

Joey initiated the project because she strongly believes that reading works published by Australian authors could help culturally and linguistically diverse communities to get to know Australia from a variety of different perspectives. She also hopes that by reading Australian publications in Chinese, migrants will settle better into  their new lives in Australia, with greater chances to read the popular titles and join in discussions with family, friends, or colleagues. Alice believes that translated Australian fiction and non-fiction could be a focal feature of the multicultural collections in public libraries. This would be an excellent way to promote the Australian publishing industry.

Australian works published in English may be difficult to access for many readers who speak and read Chinese, but reading Australian authors in a familiar language may open up new avenues for intercultural understanding and harmony.



Crosby, P., Throsby, D., & Zwar, J. (2022). 2022 National Survey of Australian Book Authors. Macquarie University.,the%20impacts%20of%20COVID%2D19.





根據Crosby 等人 (2022) 最新的調查顯示,參與調查的1152 名澳洲作者當中,有34%參與者表示自己的作品曾被翻譯成其他語言,而翻譯作品當中有30.6%被翻譯成中文(國語或粵語)。 除了海外市場外,澳洲本土市場也有可能對中文翻譯版感到興趣。


為了解決這個差距, Joey Chung (Holmesglen Institute) and Alice Chik (Macquarie University) 在Trove 聯合創建了2張書單分別是「澳洲小說翻譯成中文」和「澳洲非小說翻譯成中文」。當中有超過200本在2014到2024年間翻譯成中文的澳洲著作, 包括很多熱門著作,得獎作品以及原住民作者的著作。讀者可以很容易從書單內找到翻譯版本的書目資訊。

Joey 發起這個項目是因為她深信閱讀澳洲文學可以幫助文化和語言多元化(Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CALD))群體從另一方面去了解澳洲。她亦都希望用中文去閱讀澳洲文學,可以幫助新移民更好融入新環境,有更多機會去閱讀熱門暢銷的書籍, 從而增加和家人,朋友或同事溝通的共同話題。Alice 相信澳洲翻譯文學可以成為公共圖書館多元文化館藏的特色。 這也是一種絕佳的方式去推廣澳洲出版業。

對於很多中文讀者而言, 閱讀原文作品可能會有些吃力,但如果可以閱讀澳洲文學的中文翻譯版, 這將是開創跨文化理解與和諧共存的新途徑。



Crosby, P., Throsby, D., & Zwar, J. (2022). 2022 National Survey of Australian Book Authors. Macquarie University.,the%20impacts%20of%20COVID%2D19. 







为此,Joey Chung (Holmesglen Institute) 和 Alice Chik (Macquarie University)联合在Trove 上创建了2张书单——澳大利亚小说中译本澳大利亚非小说中译本。 这两张书单收录了2014年至2024年间的200多本澳大利亚著作中译本, 包括很多热门著作、得奖作品以及原住民作者的著作。读者可以轻松地从书单内找到翻译版本的书目信息。

Joey 发起这个项目是因为她深信阅读澳大利亚文学可以帮助多元文化/语言(Culturally and Linguistically Diverse,CALD)群体从另一方面去了解澳洲。她也希望新移民通过阅读澳大利亚文学中译本,能更好融入新环境,有更多机会阅读热门畅销的书籍,从而增加和家人,朋友或同事沟通的共同话题。Alice 认为澳大利亚翻译文学可以成为公共图书馆多元文化馆藏的特色,这也是促进澳大利亚出版业发展的一种绝佳方式。




Crosby, P., Throsby, D., & Zwar, J. (2022). 2022 National Survey of Australian Book Authors. Macquarie University.,the%20impacts%20of%20COVID%2D19.



Special acknowledgement to Ting Zhou and Rongle Tang (School of Education, Macquarie University) for editing the simplified Chinese version, and Marie Robineau (CAVAL) for the resources for the initial start.


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