ALIA Multicultural e-News!

The ALIA Multicultural e-News is a platform to share news with a Multicultural focus relevant to the Library Information Sector (LIS). It is open to people across LIS to contribute information of relevance. If you have some news to distribute broadly you can contact us via email. If you are interested in contributing an article post to our website you can also reach out via email to discuss ideas
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Multilingual Community Toolkit for the Voice Referendum launched

Key information in a number of languages that can be downloaded and shared with community and networks have been launched and are now available . You can download videos, multilingual posters and more.

Stereotypes: ALIA Mulitcultural Webinar on 30th June

Registrations are open for our upcoming webinar, Stereotypes: When Assumptions are the Mothers of All ***-Ups.
The webinar is coordinated and facilitated by Joey Chung and Hiba Kanj.
Join in the discussion to explore stereotypes and how they contribute to unconscious basis. Click on the image to register.

Sense of Belonging among Multilingual Audiences in Australia - Research paper

The University of Canberra and SBS have released the findings of a new joint research paper, Sense of Belonging among Multilingual Audiences in Australia.

The report now available, has revealed that multilingual audiences who feel represented in the news are more likely to feel a sense of belonging; and that those who feel they belong, in turn, are more willing to participate and engage in Australian society.

For audiences who see themselves represented in SBS News, the link with their sense of belonging appears to be stronger compared to audiences who feel represented in the news media more generally. This highlights the value of a multilingual, multicultural broadcaster in strengthening the belonging experience at a community level.

Conducted in six languages—Arabic, Cantonese, English, Italian, Mandarin and Vietnamese—the research aims to spark discussion about what can be done to foster a greater sense of belonging among multilingual communities. It demonstrates ways to accelerate belonging for the newest migrants to Australia, helping to ensure that everyone benefits from greater social inclusion.
View the recording presenting key highlights from the research.

Launch of Multicultural Framework Review on June 2nd

The Multicultural Framework Review was launched on Friday night June 2nd in Sydney with the key report to be delivered in 2024.
Human rights advocate and former refugee Nyadol Nyuon OAM and Multicultural Australia chief executive officer Christine Castley will co-author the review.
There will be extensive consultation and public submissions invited as part of the process. click on the button to learn more.

Coming up...

Refugee Week 20 - 26 March
The theme for Refugee Week for 2023 to 2025 is Finding Freedom.

A key question to consider is:
What does it mean to be free?

ALIA Multicultural would love to hear about events planned as part of this week so please share. To learn more about Refugee Week and access resources. Click on the link below.
NAIDOC Week 2 - 9 July
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